The new year symbolizes a fresh start. And as is so common this time of year, millions of people will resolve to improve some area of their lives, from losing weight to getting out of debt. But the new year is also a great time to think not only about personal New Year’s resolutions, but also about professional ones, as well. Here are five resolutions to consider making, regardless of the industry in which you practice.


* Improve your communication skills – Good communication skills, both oral and written, are the cornerstone of success of all professionals. Work on honing those skills whenever you interact with others, in person and on paper.

* Grow – Read a minimum of three times per week about your profession. Stay on top of what is cutting-edge in your industry and find ways to involve yourself in those activities.

* Learn a new skill – Experiment, try something new, stretch your mind and expand your abilities in a professional and/or non-professional area.

* Teach others – The best way to truly know a subject is to teach someone else about it. Help yourself and expand the horizons of others by sharing your knowledge with them.

* Help – Do good inside and outside of your profession. Lend a hand to individuals you encounter, join an organization or back a cause and support it in word and deed.

Whether you set a personal or work-related goal, it’s always a good idea to look back at what you’ve learned early in the year and make adjustments. If you don’t fare as well as you had planned during the first 28 days, list the reasons why and apply those learnings to the next 28 days

Good luck, and Happy New Year from the Rountree Group team!
