Marketing Communications

Marketing Communications

Marketing communications has evolved and continues to evolve with the influx of new philosophies, attitudes and technology. Its purpose, however, remains squarely on developing and sharing client messages via a myriad of methods and means through a strategic plan of action.  At Rountree Group, we call upon our marketing communications expertise to employ those various communication vehicles creatively and effectively for our clients. They include:

  • Public Relations Counsel – taking a close look at where a client is, where they want to be and how to get them there
  • Research – uncovering critical information to move us forward
  • Strategic Communications Planning – the foundation for building a solid blueprint to success
  • Message Development – creating that all-important “one voice” for the client
  • Media Relations – identifying the right print, broadcast and online outlets to reach our client’s audiences and communicate its message
  • Writing/Editing – putting key messages into carefully crafted words – from news releases to articles to collateral materials

In short, we bring a higher level of thought to the marketing mix by incorporating elements of strategic communication that makes for an effective integrated communications plan.